This is a past event. Please, join us for Web Summer Camp this year.

Previous Speakers

Many leading experts held workshops at our Camp over the years — meet some of them.

UX & PM Topics

Paul Boag

Paul is a leader in digital transformation and user experience design thinking.

Joe Leech

Joe held a workshop on user experience in 2016.

Stephanie Troeth

Stephanie held a workshop on story techniques in design research in 2017 and JTBD in 2018.

Kate Towsey

Kate held a workshop on user research in 2016.

Chris How

Chris held a workshop on design sprints in 2018.

Chui Chui Tan

Chui Chui held a workshop on contextual experience design in 2017.

Peter Taylor

Peter held a full day workshop on project management in 2019.

JavaScript topics

Marijn Haverbeke

Marijn held a workshop on JavaScript module systems in 2017.

Sia Karamalegos

Sia held a workshop about Webpack in 2018.

Jason Lengstorf

Jason held a workshop on progressive web apps in 2017.

Stephen K. Meya

Engineering Manager @ Phorest Salon Software, Software Architect @ BCaster

Stephen held two workshop in 2019 — on VueJS and web components.

Harry Roberts

Site-Speed Optimisation Expert

Harry held a workshop on performance in 2018.

Kristijan Ristovski Kitze

Kristijan held a workshop about React in 2018.

Princiya Marina Sequeira

Princiya held a workshop on peer-to-peer web in 2017.

Gerard Sans

Developer Evangelist for Web and Cloud

Gerard held a workshop on AWS Amplify, GraphQL and VueJS in 2019.

PHP & Symfony topics

Sebastian Bergmann

Sebastian held a workshop on testing in Symfony in 2013.

Kévin Dunglas

Kévin held two workshops in 2019 — on Symfony Panther and Mercure protocol.

Anna Filina

Anna held a workshop on security in 2018.

Hugo Hamon

Hugo held a workshop on design patterns in 2018.

Christopher Hertel

Christopher held a workshop on Symfony Forms in 2019.

Paweł Jędrzejewski

Paweł held workshops on Sylius and BDD in 2015 & 2014.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

Lukas held workshops on various Symfony topics in 2013 & 2012.

Marco Pivetta

Consultant @ Roave

Marco held a workshop on basic CQRS and Event Sourcing with Prooph in 2017.

Stefan Priebsch

Stefan held workhsops on coding like a pro in 2018 and DDD in 2019.

Tobias Schlitt

Tobias held a workshop on clean code with PHP in 2016.

Bernhard Schussek

Bernhard held workshops on Symfony Forms and Puli in 2016, 2015, 2014 & 2013.

Ryan Weaver

Ryan held workshops on various Symfony topics in 2017, 2015 & 2014.