WSC 22 Full Program Announced

Our lineup is all set, so get ready to dive into the Web Summer Camp 22's entire program (Sept 1-2) for 2 exciting days of all things web!
New speakers from Google and Infobip, plus activities for your companions has been added to our program. can be found below. Expert guests will be covering everything from Designing Inclusive Services and Deep Learning for the Web using TensorFlow.js to Improving Customer Experience Through Automated Communications by Infobip and Croatian Telecom... and much MUCH more...
Detailed program of the event including first Day 1 workshops (5 tracks) and Day 2 conference (2 tracks) is available right here.
Ticket info
You can still purchase a full ticket, for Days 1 & 2 (Thursday & Friday)
Alternatively, you can purchase a ticket only for Day 2 (Friday)